Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Time Has Come......Let's Take Our Lives Back!

I have been on this planet for quite awhile now and in all that time, the one thing that has always remained the same, no matter what.....has been our need for money. It is something that is "needed" by everyone on this planet. It is something that controls our every action. It controls our thoughts. It controls everything. We have become slaves to money. And those that control the flow of money are the slave owners. They are the only ones who truly "need" money. For without it, they have NO control over anything or anyone. No money, no debt.

In reality, we don't need money. We don't even want it.

What we want and need are things that can be bought with the money.

The money is just a middle man. A way to trade our time for the things we want and need.

Money is just an agreed upon medium. A way to exchange our time for the things we want and need.

What if there was a way to get the things we want and need without the need for money?

Would that be something you would be interested in?

Just imagine for a second if you could go get a car from the local car lot and just drive it away.

Just imagine for a second if you could walk into a grocery store and fill up a cart and take it home, all without having to use any money. In fact imagine for a second being able to have anything you want in life, for FREE.

Sounds completely crazy doesn't it?

Yes of course it does.

You would have questions like:

1. How would any of these things be created without money?

2. How would we ever get anything done without the need for money.

3. Who would create these things and who would manage the stores?

4. How would we switch everything over to this type system?

5. What would happen to the people who always want more?

6. Isn't money the grease that keeps the wheels turning?

7. Are you on drugs?

8. What would happen to all the beautiful bankers?

9. What would happen to all the wonderful politicians?

10. What would happen to me?

These are all very good questions, except number 7, which is a given. Of course I am. How else do you think I can come up with crazy stuff like this?

But seriously, here are the answers to those questions. And if you have any questions of your own, please feel free to ask them and I will do my best to answer them.

1. How would any of these things be created without money?

Answer: Money doesn't create them, we do. Our labor creates everything we use. Money is just the motivator that makes us do it. We want things and we currently need money to make that happen. So we go to work to make the money. Because we always need things, we always have to go to work to pay for them. It is a vicious cycle that we repeat over and over again and our children will do the same.

What if there was a way to get everything you want and need just by doing what you are currently doing right now? You still go to work, but now instead of having to wait for your puny paycheck to buy groceries, you just go get them whenever you want. Or if you want a new car you just go down to the car store and pick one up, free and clear. No money involved. No debt involved. Don't worry, this will all be explained in later blogs.

2. How would we ever get anything done without the need for money.

Answer: Most people already have jobs. You would keep them. Nothing really changes there. What does change is the ability to get whatever you want and need just by working. No more debts. No more money worries. Everything is free and clear because you are doing your part. The more you do, the more you get. Everything will be based on your participation and your willingness to help others. Want a better car, house, boat etc? Just do more and that will happen for you. Don't worry this will all be explained in future blogs.

3. Who would create these things and who would manage the stores?

Answer: The same people who are working there now or anyone that wants to do that job. Same as before. Every job will have a category it falls under which will determine what you are able to get, ie; a Chrysler or a Bentley.......apt downtown or a house in a more desired area. Money already dictates these things right now.....but instead of using money, we use our desire to do more. Our labor is our currency, not money.

4. How would we switch everything over to this type system?

Answer: Technology. We already have the ability to track our purchases etc. We will just use a similar system, maybe a swipe card that holds our status information. When someone wants to get a car, they walk into a dealership, swipe their card and depending on what level of participation they have achieved, they get a certain level car. Again, we already do this. We only buy what we can afford and if we cannot afford it we go into debt. Instead of going into debt, why not do more with your time?

5. What would happen to the people who always want more?

Answer: Well they can get more by doing more. If they don't want to do that, they won't be allowed to have "more". And when I say more, I am talking about higher end cars etc. This allows anyone to be a "success" if they put their minds to it and make it happen.

6. Isn't money the grease that keeps the wheels turning?

Answer: Actually the need for things and services is the motivating factor. Because we need things, we work for them and use the money we get from working to pay for them. But if we just worked like we are already doing, we would be entitled to anything we want within the boundaries of our participation. Free and clear. But we would have to keep working to have this ability. If we stopped working and just decided to stay at home because we don't want to work anymore, we would get downgraded, just like today. We would start to lose things and that would be a motivator to get back to work.

7. Are you on drugs? Yes....although I would not call pot a drug. In regards to drugs, in this world I am talking about there would be no laws against drugs. Anyone could use anything they wanted. They do it already, but risk lengthy prison sentences for doing so. Prison has not stopped anyone from using drugs. In fact after they go to prison, they continue to use drugs while they are in there. In the world without money, nobody would be punished for self inflicted craziness. Using drugs is a choice, whether a good one or bad one, its none of my business or yours.

8. What would happen to all the beautiful bankers?

Answer: Most would end up in jail. The rest would have to become like everyone else. They will have to do something productive with their lives. Wow, wouldn't that be a change? Banks would be no more. They would become housing for homeless people or museums to stupidity.

9. What would happen to all the wonderful politicians?

Answer: Most would end up in jail. The rest would have to become like everyone else. They would have to do something productive with their lives. Politics would be no more. Now that alone would be a breath of fresh air.

10. What would happen to me?

Answer: You would keep everything you currently have. House, car etc. All yours now, no debt. If you wanted more, you would have to do something, like keep your job. If you want better things you would have to do more. We will get into the things you can do later.

Now I guess the biggest question is:

How the hell are we going to accomplish this?

Well here is my opinion.

We would obviously have to do this globally. Every country would have to do this in order to make it work. And it will be totally up to the people to make it happen. All of us collectively will have to decide the when and how. Technology will be the center point for us to rally around. The internet will allow us to come together and make it happen. Websites, social media, YouTube, blogs will all be used to spread the word and to organize this peaceful revolution.

To accomplish this we need some transition time. First things first.....we need to get rid of the bankers and the politicians. Either they willingly step away from the money or they are removed forcibly. Thats the first step. Without shutting down the bankers ability to control things, nothing will ever change. The money system will temporarily be in our hands until we can smoothly transition the world over to our new system. There is no point in creating total chaos.

All politicians will be fired and the entire government structure dismantled. There really is no need for them anyways. All they do is steal our money and destroy our freedoms. Thats ALL they do, no matter what they are saying. They all have to go.

Once that is done we can start the process of switching over from money to participation levels.

We can either issue a card with this info or use the cards we currently have, ie; Visa, Debit etc.

Instead of a bank balance, you will have a participation level designated to you based on your level of participation.

If you wanted something just go to the place you can get it, swipe your card and take possession. It would be that simple. No money exchanged, no debts, no payments.

Now once this system is in place a lot of other things change.

1. No more debt. You and your children will never have to pay any debts to anyone. Everything you and your families will ever need will be provided.

2. No more wars. All wars are created by the bankers and politicians in order to further their private agendas. Without bankers and wars.

3. Huge reduction in crime. Without the need for money, there would be no need for crime. Criminals do what they do for the same reasons you go to work. To pay for things they want and need. If they were able to get whatever they wanted just by doing something positive, they would not need to steal or scam any longer. It just wouldn't be worth their time. Of course there will always be a select few who are truly evil, but over time even these people will disappear into the pages of history. There is nothing we can do to change absolute psycho's and some prisons would need to stay open to house them. Hopefully they won't be needed any longer.

4. Families would no longer need to struggle each month. And because they are no longer struggling financially, their family life would be much more enjoyable. Their kids would be much happier and would grow up wanting to get involved in a positive way. Everyone would just be that much happier.

5. The environmental rape would end. Technologies that have until now been hidden and destroyed would be allowed to be exposed to the light of day and help reverse the damage we have caused. No more drilling for oil. No more clear cutting forests. No more poisoning our waters. There are so many destructive practices we use that can be converted to safer, better alternatives its not funny. Hemp can replace all of them. Fuel, building materials, paper, clothing, protein source.....the list goes on and on.

As you can see this is a very doable scenario. It makes more sense than anything I have ever read in my life and I think we can do it if we put our minds to it. Any thoughts?

Now I know this will not happen over night. That would be impossible. In fact it may take 50 years to get it right. But at least we know it is the right direction and something that would be a TRUE legacy to our children and grandchildren that we can all be proud of.

Having said all of that, what do we do right now to get the process going?

We keep doing what we are doing to maintain our lifestyles. Thats a given. Change takes time if you want to do it with the least casualties. Thats how they have gotten us to this point and thats how we need to take our control back. Slow consistent changes manifested over time until we reach the point of no return and their control is completely gone. Only the will of the people will make this happen. This is a true paradigm shift and we are at a perfect time to launch it.

If you have a twitter account, Facebook account, Myspace account, LinkedIn account...get this message out there. Over time and with enough people we will come up with the perfect solution.

The only stipulation I would ask is that we never allow evil people to control us ever again. There will be no positions of "power". Only the most qualified will hold the top positions in their respective fields. If they screw up they get demoted to something they can handle, which might include an entirely different field of participation.

Promotion will always come from within and upgrades to status will rise according to participation. This is what I call doing more. Taking on more responsibility just because you CAN! The cream will always rise to the top and thats just the way it is. This means the true virtuoso's of all fields will have a chance to run things instead of stocking shelves etc. And with that responsibility comes more stuff, which is a major motivating factor for a lot of people.

And when I say do more, I mean help more people. It can be physical work, it can be spiritual work, it can be counselling, it can be helping someone who is sick get better. It could be taking out the older ladies garbage next door. Who knows. The sky is the limit on how this can be setup.

For those that don't wish to participate, like the homeless, we have something for you as well. No longer will you be homeless. No longer will you be hungry. No longer will you be living under a bridge and eating out of trash cans. You will be given your own place. It may be small or not in the area you like, but it will be yours. You will have access to the food program just like everyone else. You will have power, heat and water like everyone else. You won't have a car though or any real "luxuries". You will have to take the bus or get rides from friends. If you want more, you just have to do more. Thats it. There is so much abundance in the world that there is no reason for people having to live under bridges or in cardboard boxes or eat out of garbage cans.

Unless of course they WANT to do all of those things.....then they are allowed to do that as well. But I am pretty sure that the vast majority of homeless in our cities don't want to live like that and would be way more productive members of society if they didn't have too. Just a thought.

Now in future blogs I will be describing this in more detail and I would appreciate some input. Please, no crazy talk or religious talk.......I want serious comments and suggestions. Try and keep it on topic the best you can. I will be moderating daily so if you leave spam or insane comments, they will be deleted.

Thanks again for reading this. I know it was long and "boring" but I truly believe THIS is the way to go. Or something very similar. Thats where YOU come in. You are the one who will make this happen. And the collective YOU will make it reality. Welcome aboard!

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